Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

Press Release KNPB: Exempt Buchtar, Cs

June 07, 2012 By: admin Category: Press Release
Chairman and Chief arrests KNPB West Papua National Parliament, along with two colleagues Buchtar Tabuni us Riber Weya and Hengky Alua a scenario Indonesia through Papua police to divert the issue of human rights violations committed by the military / police and efforts to cover up the inability of the police uncover the perpetrators of the shooting in the West Guinea, with scapegoating mode peaceful resistance movement committed KNPB.
See, many cases of shootings in Puncak Jaya, Timika, Paniai, Wamena and some areas in some of the last time Indonesia proved that the police are not able to uncover the perpetrators, let alone catch and punish the perpetrators are clearly evident.
Some OTK in Timika shootings, until today Police have not revealed it. Next, the shooting of civilians in Degeuwo 5 Paniai who obviously do not Papua Police Mobile Brigade were also arrested and prosecuted. The shooting Terijoli Weah (2/5) at the peaceful demonstration KNPB, although the bullet fragments found, police were unable to uncover. The shooting of the Germans, Dietmar Pieper in Base-G was not able to reveal the police team, led by Papua Wakapolda, Paul Waterpau.
And, just yesterday morning (7/7) Teyu Tabuni killed without reason by the members of the police in Yapis Jayapura, police did not arrest the perpetrators. Buchtar Tabuni who want to be responsible and to clarify the charges against KNPB in front of the DPRP, Police Chief, Commander and Characters Masyarak yesterday (7/7) would be arrested without a formal arrest procedure (with no call letters).
In fact, KNPB action on June 4 and is a peaceful protest demanding the police uncover the perpetrators of the shooting that continue to occur in Papua. And KNPB has sent a notice of action to the Police Chief and Police Direskrim Papua. So, why Papuans protest blocked the use of armed police? Why not let KNPB peaceful protest as usual?
KNPB really understand the principles of humanity, peace and democracy are universal. By reason, thousands of West Papua masses during this coordinated peacefully to convey the demands of the people in the open. KNPB understand that, anarchy and violence are not mengungtungkan and detrimental in the fight KNPB. Therefore, none KNPB incite and organize the violence occurred in this peaceful struggle.
We understand that Indonesia with the interests of colonialism and global capitalism on this land will not menjujung the values ​​of humanity and justice. Therefore, the ruler with a variety of reasons, with the power of media propaganda to discredit the authorities will continue, menstigma and killing peaceful resistance movement by KNPB this paradise on earth.
For the sake of our people, on our land, and for the sake of justice, humanity and world peace, will continue to fight mewugjudkan KNPB ideals of the nation's West Papua, which is independent as a nation that is free from the shackles of colonialism Indonesia, global capitalism and militarism Indonesia.
We demand:
  1.     Exempt Buchtar Tabuni, cs and prosecute violators of human rights in Papua
  2.     International solidarity in solving the problem of West Papua
  3.     Complete the Papua issue through peaceful referendum, democratic and final.

Indonesia in West Papua goal just one: Killing people of Papua and Papua master. Anyone, whether in person, or group of countries that support the treatment of Indonesia in West Papua, he is also the perpetrators of crimes in West Papua.
"We Must End"

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